Hello all, and welcome to Grey Wolf Coaching (GWC)! My name is Matthew Sampey, founder of GWC. GWC was a lifetime in the making. It was a lifetime often filled with frustration and disappointment, dreams unfulfilled. It builds on lessons learned after many failures. It is built on countless hours asking, why? Reading and listening to books, journaling, praying, running, youtube videos, podcasts, retreats, etc.…I was determined to get answers. In my search for "why," I am learning some questions are not answered through frantic search or physical action. Also, thinking solutions into existence can be just another form of useless effort, this time with the intellect. Sometimes if you get quiet, still, listen; answers appear. It is from this bottomless well of knowledge from which everyone can draw. From this well, GWC partners with you to find your unique solutions, thus living your authentic, extraordinary life.

My first recollection of anything to do with ADHD was in kindergarten. After this challenging experience, you can read about here, I had countless unsavory memories relating to the disorder. ADHD presented such a paradox to me. For the most part, I was incredibly inspired, but I was unable to locate my shoes. My dreams were big, nothing less than taking over the planet, but I couldn't recall what I just read. It was incredibly frustrating.! When I was growing up in the '80s, there was no mention of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), at least not mainstream. I surely had never heard of it, and neither my caring parents. At the time, many were just diagnosed with anxiety or depression or some combination of the two. After all, indecision, inability to focus, impulsive actions can wreak havoc on normal mental function, inevitably affecting our self-image.

It is easy to see why I struggled. I felt off-balance. Seeing classmates or coworkers moving along, I noticed my thoughts running... "How is he able to finish so fast? What did the teacher say? Did someone see my bookbag? I will never be able to finish the project on time!" The self-critical nature of those with ADHD only exacerbates the problem. Why do I struggle with things most handle easy?  The good thing is those with the disorder (I'm not too fond of the name, more on that later) tend to be voracious learners. We are not satisfied with "that is just the way it is."  

Through my constant focus on solutions, I found many of the answers which previously eluded me. We know so much more about this disorder which affects somewhere around 8% of the population. My diagnosis at 42 did not magically make my life better, but I finally had an answer. I had something I could sink my teeth into it. Throughout my life, I had difficulty finding professional help. Now, it is easier to find someone to diagnose you with ADHD, but not nearly as many truly understand the disorder. Since my diagnosis, I have been on a crusade to learn all I can. I am determined not to let it affect my quality of life. Learning led me to go easier on myself, realizing this is the man who God made. This enlightenment is what I hope for you. I thought. What can I do about it now? What is possible? 

I saw there was a real need for education and coaching. This would be coaching not based on just getting by but by excelling in school, sport, work, and relationships. I mean real life-changing shit. I know because I experienced it myself. The transformative power of coaching.

The name Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) labels us as deficient. Why is it looked like a "disorder"? Why isn't it just different? Or take it one step further. Why cant it be looked at as an incredible gift? The attention is not at a deficit; it is hyperfocused on an area of great interest. ADDers are known for their being innovative and creative. It is an overabundance of attention that is not a deficit! What are the possibilities for those with ADHD if the hyperfocus is placed on an area of great passion? Then you get Sir Richard Branson, Justin Timberlake, Justin Beiber, Michael Phelps, Emma Watson, and many others who have a diagnosis. Many speculate Walt Disney, Da Vinci, Galileo, Mozart, John Lennon, JFK had it as well.  

My mission is to educate those with the disorder and coach those to regain power over their wayward lives. It is about what is possible. Having experienced the difficulties of ADHD, I sympathize with those struggling with it. I know how it feels not to have the answers, then question yourself because of it.  However, there is another way. There is getting educated on it. The new information is nothing short of life-changing. Then once we understand how we uniquely learn and think, we apply structure and plan based on our unique strengths. 

Contact us if you want to think of what's possible rather than what's deficient or wrong. Contact us if you are inspired to change your story and use what is unique to you and only you for your meaning to manifest.